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The Year of Trubar
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The principal works of Primož Trubar

1550 publication of the first books printed in the Slovene language (Tübingen) – Abecedarium (Primer) and Catechismus (Catechism) (in Gothic alphabet)

1555 publication of four of Trubar's books (with the financial support of Christoph, duke of Württemberg: new edition of Abecedarium (Primer) and Catechismus (Catechism) (in Roman alphabet), Ta evangeli svetiga Matevža (Gospel According to St Matthew), Ena molitov (A Prayer);

1557 publication of Ta prvi dejl tiga noviga testamenta (First Part of the New Testament)

1561 publication of the book Artikuli oli dejli te prave stare vere kersčanske (Articles or fragments of the true old Christian faith; Augsburg faith with elements of Württemberg and Saxon faiths)

1564 publication of Trubar's book Cerkovna ordninga (Church Canon),

1566 translations (psalter)

1567 Trubar publishes three books: Ta celi katehismus (The Whole Catechism), Svetiga Pavla listuve (Letters of St Paul) and a hymnbook

1575 publication of Katehismus z dvejma izlagama (Catechism with two interpretations)

1582 publication of Ta celi novi Testament (The Whole New Testament)

1595 Trubar's son Felicijan publishes Trubar's last book – translation of Luther's Hišne postile (House Postils)